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Construction to build upon before or there is a problem. We will follow up to help.
Planning of audit work priorities as we would be better to solve the problem later.
Service plan for construction of all types. The design, construction supervision, including any management system.
The complete range of services. Economy and tight budget control over sleep.
DC-CONTROL call. 081-8695580 Fax.02-7,265,911th. Http://
= = Complete coverage system.
- Consulting and construction solutions for all types of pumps.
- Providing a contact area of โ€‹โ€‹the second building.
- Design all types of construction work.
- Control of construction of all types.
- Check the construction of all types.
- Audit Engineering Construction Contractors.
- Check the price of construction of all types.
- Project management.
- Calculate different job.
- Job Approval Certificate cents.
- Survey area
- Resolving structures.
- Take care of the construction budget.
- Engineering Procurement Contractors.
- On loan approval.
- Plan tasks.
- Electricity, water supply construction permit request telephone
- Find a different material.

= Consultation on the construction of all types. =
DC-CONTROL call. 081-8695580 Fax.02-7265911.
We guarantee allows you to not be deceived being taken advantage of cheap and tight budget control over sleep.
(By a professional team).

Problems that are often found together frequently. And has been a lot of complaints.
- Construction has not formally
- Engineering Contractors companies are not fool-standard work.
- Were merged.
- Expensive than the actual construction cost.
- Cheap but low quality. Deceived without knowing it.
- Offer a cheap price and then merged with Moore.
- Delay.
- Construction of structures damaged subsidence cracks ruin
- Illegal construction
- Employee Organization squeeze

Solve the problem, then the costs escalate and the budget is many times not worth it right offline.
Stop thinking of these issues well before we go to the edit.
DC-CONTROL call. 081-8695580 Fax.02-7,265,911th. Http://


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