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The body is pretty toned body with various kinds of extracts to help strengthen Increase muscle mass and increase metabolism, reduce the absorption. Fat, starch and sugar, which causes excess fat. Health care with beta-glucan.

1 capsule contains ...
1. Chitosan 150 mg
2. L-Carnitine 100 mg
3. White Kidney Bean Extract 100 mg
4. Beta-glucan 60 mg
5. Cactus extract, 60 mg
6. Pepper Extract 60 mg
7. Orange Extract (HCA 60%) 60 mg
8. Of chromium, 5 mg
9. Vitamin B 6 2 mg

1. Fresno chitosan (chitosan) is an extract from shrimp shells, crabs, which are positively charged. In the fat trap, which has a negative charge in the gastrointestinal tract, or be it food. Which is acidic. Prevent the absorption of fat. Reduce blood cholesterol levels. It also helps to clear toxins in the intestine as well.

2. L-Carnitine is an amino acid that helps to burn fat as energy. Increase the breakdown of fat. And increase calories burned calories. It also helps in enhancing protein synthesis. The muscles tighten up.

3. White Kidney Bean Extract contains a substance that is important. City of Light Olefins Min. (Phaaseolamin) helps block starch. The body can not digest starch into sugar. The body can not absorb dietary sugars into the body, which will continue to be stored as fat.

4. Beta-glucan is a nutrient that helps to stimulate the immune system. When the draft is to get the beta - glucan 1,3 / 1,6 of the food is digested and absorbed into the small intestine. Upon entering the white blood cells. And spread to different parts of the body, beta - glucan to stimulate the immune system to eliminate pathogens. The immune system is better.

5. Cactus extract inhibits the enzymes that make fats. Stimulate the body fat that accumulates in the body's energy metabolism. There are also high in fiber helps slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Loss of appetite. In excretion.

6. Extract contains a substance known as Capsaicin (Capsaisin) reduces fat storage. Increase metabolism. Accelerating the metabolism of fat and cholesterol reduce the amount of a fatty liquid (LDL) and increase the good cholesterol (HDL).

7. Garcinia extract or HCA eligible to reduce excess fat in the body. Let's appetite. Without affecting the central nervous system.

8. Chromium amino acid chelate is a mineral that is important in glucose metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Control blood sugar levels to normal. Reduce sugar cravings. And can control the amount of cholesterol in the blood. It will increase the amount of cholesterol HDL (good cholesterol), a species that has health benefits. And reduce the LDL (liquid fat) that is harmful to the body.

9. Vitamin B-6 aids in the functioning of the nervous system. The blood. Help maintain the skin is normal.

How to eat.
Along with eating lunch - dinner with 1-2 tablets per dose.

*** For patients with hypertension and diabetes ****.

Can have an effect to reduce glucose levels. Claudia Leste wait and fats in the bloodstream as well.

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