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The juice extractor vegetable spiral with the best match. Hippocrates Health Institute. (United States), the juicing the wheat embryo. And barley at its best. For those who love and need a juice extractor and super premium. The highest quality, or those who suffer. Serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, heart needs protection along with natural therapies. By drinking vegetable juice is the world's proven that the properties of the vegetable has its benefits. The juice extractor, fruit juice, vegetable juice, the double helix Green Power Kempo KPE-1303 can meet the beyond. The juice extractor has made almost all kinds of fruits, vegetables, tofu ice cream, fruit or herbs are easily crushed.


  • Juice extractor, juice machine, someone with a pair of many Noah's architecture.
  • Manufacturing experts with more than 23 years of double helix (manufacturer and inventor of the double helix juicer extractor Green Star is a well known brand that has been highly popular in the U.S. and Europe).
  • Screw juice made with the first three layers of stainless steel with ceramic floor, second floor, third with 4200 gauss magnets.
  • Sunshine Juice is a new twist with a distance of 1 mm. Is a problem caused by the metal screw of the rack.
  • The newest version. Developed to a size smaller. High performance, easy to use, easy clean up durability.
  • Equipped with a fruit juice ice cream bowl with a secondary waste water jug.
  • We work with low heat so the juice and vitamins. And the highest enzyme.
  • With over Life Enzyme Activator stimulates enzymes in fruits and vegetables. Has the power to live better. Taste better.
  • Hippocrates Health Institute indicate that the juice of the wheat embryo. And barley at its best.
  • Water, chlorophyll, leaf Ya Nang City with ease.
  • This system can eliminate toxic heavy metals, pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables to 80%.
  • Ice cream and soft fruits are easy to grind corn, milk, tofu, herbs, or water.
  • Standard US.FDA. (FDA, USA).
  • Safety has been the CE of EU Integrated Safety Standard, UL of America, C-UL of Canada, AS of Australia, CNS of Taiwan ect.
  • 3-year motor guarantee a smooth and durable operation.

The double helix Why Green Power Kempo?

The manufacturer of the authentic and vegetable juice extractor is a producer of double helix double helix juice extractor Green Star Green Power Kempo in the United States has developed a smaller, easy to use.

For household use only.

At a suggested price of 23,500 Baht to 19,900 Baht, free shipping nationwide. And after-sales service, parts and service facilities at the inquiry. Http://www.juicerclub.com. or Happy Home Product Tel. 081 8357723, 02 4131633 Fax. 02 8698811.

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