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Sap sucking child. Medium wood bearings. Ngmamanpornri dry and color measurement divided by e Rai Rayong

Ghost child or a child sucking wealth. A typical Luang Pu Tim. Pediatric shaped couch in the mother. Are larger and closer.

Oral delivery of food, which is more than Dr. Mother swallowed. Nourish the child and send the umbilical cord. Which is considered to eat endlessly. Is one of the tips.

Luang Pu Tim, you create a child in this manner. To help the child make a living to make money for gold owners not have to eat any form.

Know the end Kumarnthong suck all the wealth created four jumbo-size body of 22 will be in the arms of Khun Pan is offering a tree.

8000 U.S. following a child of only 522 large and medium they created a small child all of his 2222 self.

Roast in the Ngmamanpornri E. Orange. In the evening of Thursday 3 February 2554, a New Year's Day, Chinese and Thai brothers believe lines begin a new year

New farm will be measured by dividing the foundation stone laying ceremony in front of City Hall Bell Tower Fine Governance evening Luang Pu Tim Foundation will put the ceremony.

Governance, namely ethanolamine Eเธฉ A and celebrate. The ring one last time Trailokkanat Banchorn Chin. Simultaneously, the ceremony will invite top warlord Khun Pan Kai.

And E, orange ghost to Khun Pan and arched cooking Seเธœเธถgong. Ngmamanpornri agitation. And Pediatrics at the same ceremony grill cooking Seเธœเธถgong Ngmamanpornri and stir.

Grilled child will follow the same traditional tiered Ratchawat flag Dat white ceiling to the degree New Singhe Yan Yan Yan King Yan eight directions.

Ha Yan teacher Luang Pu Tim. Will set the piece of stone used as stove Guan Yang Seเธœเธถgong and Pediatrics in Ngmamanpornri. With his disciple monk Luang Pu Tim. Nenongpru chanted four directions.

Sin Temple, Luang Por large Lahan Wat Pa Luang Phor Suk Luang Phor Suk Pradu Rayong Wat Nong Kho Sangkharam A disciple disciple Was the last person.

Luang Pu Tim chanted and then the insoluble Dog Shopping Group in the heat than the 1000 degree ceremony and rubber mixing Seเธœเธถgong Ngmamanpornri.

The ghost took Seเธœเธถgong E. Orange. Luang Pu Tim made the final at the end of 2518 and gave Luang Ta survival shelf offer.

Chin teachers come together part. Like to know in advance they must take the importance of seeking help to measure

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E-mail. Hs8sci@hotmail.com.

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