The real thing ... Shipping from China to import goods from China, Shipping China Orders from China with complete service to help you to order from China ❗❗❗
So you can do business conveniently and easily in one place.
Interested in using the service and receive a special discount
Contact sales department Tel. 083-928-6600, 064-102-8443, 02-5527201-8 press 1 or urgently contact Mon-Fri via
Official Line: @pssportcargo or click
-> comfortable
There are at most 5 branches near the wholesale market in China, Guangzhou - Iu - Shenzhen - Shantou - Dongguan (Taiping).
-> fast
With express cabinet for 5-7 days, closed shipping container every day, no holidays
-> Above and beyond
With distribution points in the city center and a large warehouse of more than 4,000 square meters and more than 50 trucks a day to support large-volume transportation.
-> More advanced
With Call Center and Application to check delivery information and notify all status via mobile phone 24 hours online
-> Fully integrated
With a variety of value-added services, it can be used as needed.
- Cargo service, cargo ship, container transport, delivery to the recipient destination throughout Thailand
- Travel assistance service for ordering goods, air tickets, visas, cars - airport transfers, hotel reservations near the market, interpreters and guides to help you shop in China.
- Agent service for ordering from China Interpreter for the China office, ordering service from China and coordinating the Chinese shop, Please pay shop facilitates even customers who do not go to China.
- Order service from popular websites Taobao, 1688, Tmall, Yiwugo, Alibaba, deposit, press, pay, top-up, contact the shop.
-> Confident
With a professional team of 10 years experience and the pioneer in the countrys first import transportation service from China. That customers trust the most
*** For those who want to do business, order from China, send products from China to Thailand, merchants, wholesale businesses, online sales, pre-orders, find products to sell, made to order from Taobao, order from Alibaba. Ba, 1688 orders, orders from Chinese shops, Chinese factory direct orders.
Interested in using the service and get a special discount !!
Contact sales
Tel. 083-928-6600, 064-102-8443, 02-5527201-8 press 1
Official Line: @pssportcargo or
Click here
# Import products from China
# Transport from China
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