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CKA been registered business. Registered partnership firm price 2,480 Baht 2,990 Baht within one day fast, accurate, professional registered limited partnerships , limited partnerships, registered limited partnership duly incorporated company registered partnership. Incorporated partnership. Notes forming a partnership . Establish a partnership . Limited partnership . Been established partnership. Registered partnership . Transition from the mall is the conversion of a partnership firm was converted into a company limited condition . By a professional team . company accounting and legal constraints .
Business Registration ( business registration ) .
CKA ACCOUNTING AND LAW CO., LTD. Was an expert in business registration . Having worked in the business for more than 13 years, the registered team CKA is a team of professionals who have the knowledge and expertise to set up a limited company / partnership . Registered trademarks . Its status from a partnership to a limited company . Registering the company / partnership / acquisition and closing statements and liquidation. Licensing arrangements. Customs manager 's card . And commercial registration etc.
A system that is fast, accurate and standardized . Implementation of rules and regulations to maintain the confidentiality of clients. It offers you a reasonable fee to CKA is recognized by both the Thailand and foreign companies partnership with businesses , shops and government agencies, always 13-year period .

And business registration service fee .

Incorporation .
Registered within the first day 2,990 incorporated limited partnership .
Registered within the first day 2,480 THB
Registering the company / department.
£ 4,480 and liquidation trademark .
Winning the 2,290 baht
Department transformed into a limited company .
£ 8900 by a team of professionals such as registered the change.
Directors from 1980 THB


The registration fee .
Sequence profile service . (Baht ) .
R 1 2390 registered company .
R2 + registered company 's taxpayer identification number 2990 .
R3 + registered company 's tax identification number and VAT registration to Revenue 3,590.
R4 1690 registered partnership .
R5 + registered proprietor 's taxpayer identification number 2480 .
R6 + Partnership Registration ID for taxpayer and the Revenue 2,690 VAT registered .
R7 + registered partnership business taxpayer 's Number 2480 .
Partnership Business Registration No. R8 + for + the taxpayer listed on 2680 tax system .
R9 registered partnership acquired business - selling to + get + the number of taxpayers registered 2480


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