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CKA been made ​​for a work permit work permit work permit price per 5,990 . 1 year visa work visa 5,990 baht change . Change the type of visa work permits per 18,900 per visa , business visa, visa and visa in Thailand . Get work permits . Work permit. Work permits for foreigners . Foreigner 's work permit Work permit visa to Work permit visa and work permit Work permit visa for Thailand . The work permit to Work permit visa Work permir Visa work permit Workpermit Visa Thailand Work permit Thailand Work permit visa Work permit form Thai work permit Visa work permit Thailand Visa and work permit in Thailand Thai visa work permit Thai work visa Visa work permit Thailand Visa. work permit one stop service by our professional team . company accounting and legal constraints .
Thai Visa and Work Permit Service ( Work Permit and Visa ) .
CKA ACCOUNTING AND LAW CO., LTD. , Is specialized in the service request / work permits and visas to foreigners in Thailand. With experience working for foreigners from various countries since 2543 , which is a long history of over 13 years, the team CKA is a team of professionals with knowledge, skills and expertise in the request / per work permit. and visas for clients. A system that is standard and the implementation of laws and regulations on the confidentiality of clients. CKA is acceptable to the people of Thailand and foreign customers . Leading companies and government agencies with a good time.
The work permit (Work Permit).
Work permits to foreigners (Work Permit).
The one-year license .
Change or modify a work permit.
Out of work and night work permit.
The VISA ( within the Kingdom of Thailand ) .
The Non-Immigrant Visa (Non-B) ( work visa ) .
The One Stop Visa ( Visa and work permit can be the same day) .
The Non-Immigrant Visa (Non-O) ( tracing family visa ) .
A Non Immigrant O ( visa ) .
The Non-Immigrant Visa (Non-B) ( visa cases , teachers or professionals in education) .
The Non-Immigrant Visa (Non-ED) ( student visa ) .
The Non-Immigrant Visa "OA" ( Visa sequel ) .
After the status of Visa ( change of visa ) .
Re-Entry Visa ( Subject to travel back to the Kingdom of Thailand ) .
Report 90 days ( you are more than 90 days ) .

More information .

And service charges for / against . Work permit and visa .
First . Renewal of work permit + visa 1 year .
For Group A (One Stop Services) costs only 10,960 b


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