All purpose washing powder, oil, stains, grease, oil wash, ink wash, clear colors.
Traditional powder dry powdered extract minerals. Finely powdered sodium hydroxide is non-flammable foam No pungent odor.
The oil stains, grease - oil, ink, liquid or detergent that does not leave out the other.
Now rub your hands without using water as the mobile operator's decommissioning. And wash off easily without bearing hand.
Waste water blasts. No bubble, so they can not see the dirt all the flour.
Hand, it is not an allergic reaction fragrant hand care.
Help preserve the environment by ph7.
Rinse before using the water to wash hands prior to waste time. Hand rubbed with mineral powder immediately. After ensuring that it is clean, clear water, then drained normally.
Clear the ground can sprinkle the area with all kinds of stains, oil droplets. Then converted to zero for normal polishing.
Gates will clean the floor with ease.
The stain will not slip as well before enough water carbonate ramp, wet, but not wet, then sprinkle the powder ore down the first step.
Washing walls or other surfaces. A cloth moistened with mineral powder, then rub the stain with it. It is not only easy to clean and does not cause other flows to greasy.
First. Forbidden to mix the water each time.
. 2 is closed for a bit after use and the quality is better in the shade.
Three. Kept away from children.
Use types.
Suitable for home use to remove stains on it.
Gas station, garage, all kinds.
Lathe industry types. Printing on it.
084-7326778 gsm.
02-4503470. @